Promotions play a crucial role in marketing strategies as they help businesses attract new customers and retain existing ones. There are various types of promotions that companies can utilize to increase their sales and brand visibility. These include discounts, buy-one-get-one-free offers, loyalty programs, contests, and giveaways. Discounts provide customers with reduced prices on products or services, encouraging them to make a purchase. Buy-one-get-one-free offers incentivize customers to buy more by offering an additional item for free. Loyalty programs reward customers for their repeat business, often through point systems or exclusive perks. Contests and giveaways create excitement and engagement, giving customers the chance to win prizes. Understanding the different types of promotions allows businesses to tailormade their strategies based on their target audience and objectives, ultimately driving growth and profitability. 


Deep linking is a technique used in mobile apps and websites that allows users to directly navigate to a specific page or content within an app, rather than just launching the app’s home screen. It enables seamless and personalized user experiences by bypassing the need to manually search for the desired page or content. Deep links are URLs that are associated with specific app screens, allowing users to access them with a single click. For example, clicking on a deep link within an email or a website can open a specific product page or initiate a specific action within an app. Deep linking is a powerful tool for app developers and marketers to increase user engagement, improve conversion rates, and enhance the overall user experience. 

Cookie / Session Time

In affiliate marketing, a cookie or session time refers to the duration that a tracking cookie remains active on a user’s device after clicking on an affiliate link. When a user clicks on an affiliate link, a unique tracking cookie is placed on their device, allowing the affiliate program to track their actions and attribute sales or conversions to the corresponding affiliate. The cookie or session time determines how long this tracking cookie remains valid. For example, if the cookie or session time is set to 30 days, the affiliate will earn a commission for any purchases made by the user within this timeframe. It is an essential aspect of affiliate marketing as it helps affiliates receive credit for their efforts in driving traffic and generating sales. 

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a vast field with various terms and concepts. These terms are crucial to understand and apply in order to succeed in the digital marketing world. Some of the different terms in digital marketing include SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which involves optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results; SEM (Search Engine Marketing), which includes paid advertising on search engines; social media marketing, which focuses on promoting products or services through social media platforms; content marketing, which involves creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage a target audience; email marketing, which utilizes email to communicate with potential customers; and conversion rate optimization, which aims to increase the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action. These terms and more play a significant role in digital marketing strategies and help businesses reach their target audience effectively. 

CPL (Cost Per Lead)

CPL, or Cost Per Lead, is a key metric in marketing. It measures the cost incurred by a company for generating a single lead or potential customer. In other words, CPL calculates the amount of money spent on marketing efforts to acquire a lead. This metric is important as it helps businesses evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their marketing campaigns. By tracking CPL, companies can determine the return on investment (ROI) of their marketing strategies and make informed decisions on allocating their resources. Additionally, CPL assists in identifying the most cost-effective channels and tactics for lead generation. Overall, understanding CPL is crucial for marketers as it enables them to optimize their marketing efforts and drive better business results. 

CPC (Cost Per Click)

Cost per click (CPC) in marketing refers to the amount of money an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on their online advertisement. It is a pricing model commonly used in digital advertising campaigns, particularly in search engine marketing and pay-per-click advertising. The cost per click is determined through an auction-based system, where advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their target audience. This means that the more competitive a keyword is, the higher the cost per click will be. CPC is an important metric for advertisers as it helps determine the effectiveness and efficiency of their advertising campaigns. By monitoring the cost per click, advertisers can assess the return on investment and make informed decisions to optimize their marketing strategies.